Fahrplanauskunft für Sehbehinderte


Service provider
Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV)
Thierschstrasse 2
80538 Munich

Phone: +49 (0)89 / 210 33 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)89 / 210 33 - 282

E-mail: info@mvv-muenchen.de

Commercial Register
HRB 43 460
Court of jurisdiction: Munich

Tax ID
Ust-ID DE 129423978

Dr. Bernd Rosenbusch

Journalistic-editorial services
Responsible for content: Dr. Bernd Rosenbusch (address as above)

Sonja Schneider

Consulting / concepts / graphic design  
Ray Sono AG
Tumblingerstr. 32
80337 München

Consulting / implementation of TYPO3 content management system
SpaceNet AG
Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14
D-80807 Munich

Social media and other online presences
This legal notice also applies to the following social media presences and online profiles:



All information contained on the website of Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH (MVV) has been carefully researched and checked by MVV GmbH or third parties. Nevertheless, neither MVV GmbH nor third parties assume any liability for the accuracy, timeliness, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. 

© Copyright by Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund GmbH. All rights reserved. All contents are intended for personal information only. The contents of this Internet offer may not be changed - in whole or in part - without the prior written consent of MVV GmbH and may not be reproduced, presented, distributed or otherwise used for public or commercial purposes. For content marked in the source information as being obtained from third parties, prior written consent may also be obtained from the respective third parties. The contents of this website are protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. All product and company names mentioned in these Internet pages are registered trademarks of their respective owners. 

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Liability and intellectual property rights

Disclaimer: The contents of this online offer have been compiled carefully and according to our current state of knowledge, but are for information purposes only and have no legally binding effect, unless they are legally binding information (e.g. the imprint, the data protection declaration, general terms and conditions or mandatory instructions for consumers). We reserve the right to change or delete the content in whole or in part, provided that contractual obligations remain unaffected. All offers are subject to change and non-binding.

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